[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Is the Economic Center of the Art World Shifting?
Frieze, LA 2024
I am back from the LA fairs, hoo boy, do I have some impressions. There was so much to do and see relative to New York’s Frieze week, that I started to wonder if New York would continue to be the economic center for art!
In this podcast I discuss the biz, trends, and art so you have all the information you need to know whether participating in the LA Fairs is worth the investment.
You’ll also get the skinny on each fair so you get a sense of the flavor of each.
By the end, you'll be armed with everything you need to navigate and succeed in the art fair environment.
Relevant links:
Artnet Frieze Los Angeles Is Smaller This Year, but Dealers Are Doing Big Business
The Art Newspaper, Felix is fun as ever, even as Sales Slow
Frieze Fair, Felix and more this weekend (paywall)
Heavily patterned paintings that look like rugs.
Aydee Rodriguez Lopez at Proyectos Monclova
Laura Owens at Matthew Marks
Jeff Perrone at Corbett vs Dempsey
Fred Fleisher curates Don Porcella
Cheryl Molnar curates Rachelle Anayansi Mozman Solano
Fabiola Gironi and Robert Minervini https://springbreakartfair.com/collections/spring-break-art-show-la-2024/fabiola-gironi
Mary Henderson curated by Sarah A Gamble
Michael Handley curated by Jack Henry
Frieze LA
Hernan Bas at Victoria Miro
Jordan Casteel at Casey Kaplan
Felix Art Fair
Kavi Gupta at Felix
Sargent’s Daughters
Michael Kirkham at Harkawik gallery https://galleryplatform.la/galleries/harkawik/exhibitions/felix-art-fair-2024
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How to Come Back From an Extended Art Making Break
Shana Moulton, Meta/Physical Therapy, 2024, MoMA
If you have ever felt anxious about an extended art making break, let me put your mind at ease.
It happens to almost EVERYONE.
Whether that be due to child rearing, the loss of a parent, or a significant move, the job of getting back into the game can be just as challenging as the disruptions that took you away from the studio.
You're probably worried that...
You have visible gaps in your CV that galleries will notice and ask you about
You've lose touch with many of your contacts and art friends and now they're gone for good
Your fear of not being able to get back into the networking game, will keep you from getting back into the networking game.
In this podcast, I address those fears, identify the self defeating actions artists often take when in this position, and offer actionable alternatives.
You don't have to feel stuck.
And this podcast is designed to make sure you feel empowered to take action, rather than feeling mired in fear and self doubt.
Have a listen and let me know what you think!
Relevant links:
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: You've got Mail 💌
Have you ever exchanged gifts with someone and only to learn that the present you got them is waaaaay more expensive than the one they got you?
In this Valentine's Day podcast on connection and mailers, I talk about how social currency and exchange works much the same way. If you're asking someone for their email, and you're giving them something in exchange you want it to be roughly equal in investment. Sometimes that's the newsletter itself and sometimes it's a little more.
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: What to Focus on When You Have Limited Time: An interview with Cadence Giersbach
Artist: Cadence Giersbach
Are you struggling to find time to do every god damn thing?
Of course you are. You're an artist.
That's why I started this series on goal setting.
In this podcast I speak with artist and Netvvrk member Cadence Giersbach about how she sets priorities and gets things done. Giersbach describes the importance of focusing on the things that are within your control—what you can do each day to get tasks done.
If you want to know more about how to spend less time hustling and more time in the studio, I'm going to do a deeper dive in my live masterclass, How to Get More Shows Without Turning Your Personality into a Marketing Bot Tuesday Feb. 6th at 7:30 PM EST. This class is totally free, so join me!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How to be an Art World Rulebreaker without Accidentally Exiling Yourself
John Wesley at Pace Gallery
Have you ever launched an exhibition space and then tortured yourself over whether to include yourself in a show because you know it will look bad? Or struggled over whether to send an email to gallerist or a DM over Instagram because someone followed you, but you're not sure if DMing a welcome is friendly or spam?
Welcome to the world of art world taboos, which are both plentiful and entirely useless in any situation other than the most obvious examples. In this episode I identify a few of the more common taboos that trip an artist up, explain why they exist and how and when you can break them!
You're welcome!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Your 2024 Goal Setting Model to Get Your Art Seen
Heather Beardsley: Strange Plants at the Chrysler Museum of Art
(Screen grab from @phondco’s produced video.)
In this episode of Art Problems, I take on a vexed topic for many artists: goal setting!
Is it even worth setting goals when it's so difficult to know where your opportunities will come from?
Short answer: Yes.
I talk to artist and Netvvrk member Heather Beardsley about the process she used to set her goals, and how she achieved them.
And you know what?
It's not rocket science.
You can follow Heather's method (the Netvvrk method) and do the same thing.
Because study after study shows that people who set goals are far more likely to achieve them.
So, have a listen and get down to business!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: 2024 Art World Predictions
Diana Thater, Perfect Devotion Six, 2006 (The Gallery Group show, David Zwirner, New York, New York)
Last year, I predicted what 2023 in the art world would look like. This week, I take a look back at those predictions, share what I got right and wrong, and make new ones for 2024.
Spoiler alert: We've got big structural changes ahead. It's hard to say how those changes will play out, but discuss the benefit of approaching shifts with cautious optimism.
Relevant links:
The Internet is about to Get Weird Again
The Enshitification of TikTok
Are you feeling acutely aware that you're not sunning yourself on a Miami Beach right now?
Are you nervous that you won't be able to appreciate the Miami Beach because you're too anxious about the surrounding fairs to relax?
Welcome to the Miami art fairs, which are on right now, and basically exist to drive an artist mad.
In this bonus episode of Art Problems, I discuss the demoralizing FOMO many artists experience during this time and how to reduce the anxiety.
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Why Traditional Business Model Frameworks Won't Work for Artists
This week, I conducted an experiment: I took a survey that identified problems for standard businesses by revenue stages and examined how those problems aligned with the average artist's studio practice.
Surprise! The metrics didn't line up.
So, I used the framework of the identified business stages to create my model for artists. This podcast shares what I learned and produced for you! In the process, I created a downloadable action checklist so you can identify your career stage and what actions you need to take to get to the next level.
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Sales are Not a Measure of Your Self Worth
In this episode of the Art Problems Podcast, I discuss the abundance of triggers liable to make you feel a little more sensitive about your career this time of year including the Miami art fairs, holiday sales, and an art market recession. I also discuss what you can do when you start feeling all the feels.
We often get in our own way when we become self-conscious about visibility. This podcast is designed to give you the tools to avoid the behaviors likely to set you back.
Sign up for early access to the Vantablack Friday offer!
Relevant links:
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Your Ultimate Artist Residency Guide
Do you really need an artist residency?
You know it helps a CV, but how much?
Will it help other aspects of your career?
In this episode of Art Problems, I talk about how to determine if you need a residency and how to find the residencies best suited to your needs. If you've been stressing over whether you should spend time at a residency or how to find one, this podcast will provide an answer to many of those anxieties.
Have a listen and let me know what you think over Instagram!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How to Master Technology When You Hate Technology
Artwork credit: Yael Kanarek, World of Awe, 2000, browser-based art work.
Is your lack of tech literacy stressing you out?
Are you worried you're too old to get the hang of new technology?
Maybe you're not old, and reasonably tech-savvy, but still stymied by constant tech updates?
Today on the podcast I invite my mother, Jacqueline Johnson, to talk about her use of technology.
She is not a master of technology. But, at age 77, she has figured out how to use what she needs and reports crying far less often due to the computer!
Learn how she overcame her fear of technology and how you can, too!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How to Navigate Health and Change
Is your body not working as well as it did when you were twenty? Is this affecting your studio practice? Welcome to the joys of mid-career!
In this episode of Art Problems, I speak about how to invest time in seeking out good healthcare to sustain your life in the studio, as well as the importance of building an adaptable mindset.
Try different types of support.
Use what works for you.
Trust your body.
Adapt, adapt, adapt.
Learning to accept change is the key to happiness.
Relevant links:
Brad Stuhlman, Master of Change
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How Four Artists Got a Chelsea Show
In this episode, I talk to artists Barbara Nitke, Natalya Kochak, Laurence Elle Groux (goes by Elle) to talk about how they used the Netvvrk membership to help them secure their Chelsea show Mind Body and Soul—a Chashama exhibition at 320 West 23rd Street in New York.
We go through the process of how they met, how they got the show, the resources they needed to make the show, and now, what they can do to get the show more exposure.
If you're an artist who either needs shows or has a show you want to get people out to see, there are a lot of practical tips in this episode to help you.
Relevant links:
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Six Ways to Get More Time in the Studio
Let me guess. You have a million things to do to move your art career forward, but you're only one person, and you're struggling to find time in the studio, let alone do all the other tasks. You need one job, not four.
In this episode of Art Problems, I discuss how to get the time you need in the studio.
The solutions I have aren't sexy, and some of them aren't.
But you know what is fun? TIME IN THE STUDIO.
If they work, and they do, use these strategies.
And if you want to do a deeper dive on this, make sure you attend my free webinar on Tuesday, October 17th, on how to get more shows without transforming your personality into a content creator. Don't miss this class.
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Do We Need Art Criticism?
Nicolas Party, Installation view of "Swamp", Hauser and Wirth. Image: Paddy Johnson
Does anyone even read art criticism any more?
For years, the prevailing wisdom told us that the art industry needs art criticism to grow. And yet, today, the industry is larger than ever; the number of professional art critics in the country is dwindling, and those writing reviews aren't having them read.
So, do we need art criticism? Is art criticism itself the problem? Is it too positive to be taken seriously or too negative to qualify as anything more than clickbait?
In this episode of Art Problems, Paddy Johnson summarizes the recent online discussions about criticism, focusing on Sean Tatol's "Negative Criticism" and Ben Davis's "Is Criticism Too Positive" and explains why this conversation is relevant to artists.
If you struggle to understand the media landscape, this podcast will help you understand the stakes so you can make better decisions about where to spend your time.
Professionals discussed: Jerry Saltz, Sean Tatol, Ben Davis, Jason Farago, Joanna Freeman, Jackson Arn, Josh Baer, Jeff Poe
Relevant links:
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: Managing Self Doubt
If you want to participate in the art world at a higher level, and every opportunity that gets you closer gives you a big dose of imposter syndrome, this podcast's for you.
In this episode of Art Problems, we talk about managing self-doubt.
What are the symptoms of self-doubt?
How can simple avoidance behaviors be mitigated?
And how can more complex fear-driven avoidance be tackled?
The answers to all that and more inside today's podcast.
Listen and let me know your thoughts on Instagram. I want to hear from you!
[PODCAST] ART PROBLEMS: How to Combat The Rising Cost of Being an Artist
Inside the Museum of Modern Art. Photo credit: Paddy Johnson
In the latest episode of the Art Problems podcast, Paddy Johnson and artist William Powhida discuss the increasing cost of museums, art fairs, application fees, and travel impacting artists and how to beat them.
You'll learn:
Where to stay when visiting New York that won't cost $500 or more a night
How to avoid a large fair entrance fee
And how to lower the cost of museum fees
Listen in, and let me know what you think. If you've got affordability hacks, I want to hear them!
ART PROBLEMS: Every Networking Tip You Need to Be Ready for the Fall Art Season
The start of the fall season is upon us!
And with all the openings and fairs this fall, it doesn't take much time to start feeling overwhelmed.
You might be asking yourself questions like,
"How do I get my art seen when there is so little press to cover the five million shows now open across the country?"
"How do I network at openings and fairs when no one wants to see my work unless I am the exhibiting artist?"
"How do I attend these events without bankrupting myself in the process?"
In this episode of the Art Problems Podcast, I provide answers.
Relevant links:
Hyperallergic art fair discounts:
Two Coats of Paint:
Art Haps Spreadsheet:
Gallery Platform LA
ART PROBLEMS: Your Complete Guggenheim Fellowship Guide
Are you worried the effort of completing a Guggenheim application won't pay off?
Are you worried your work and show history isn't strong enough?
These are the anxieties of ambitious mid-career artists, and I'm here to help.
In this episode of Art Problems I give you the skinny on the Guggenheim Fellowship.
All the tips you won't find in the application instructions, but you need to know—they're in this podcast.
Listen now, and subscribe.