ART PROBLEMS: Demolishing The Day Job Stigma for Artists
Image: Macon Reed (left), Catherine Haggarty (Right)
Does having a day job make you feel a little self-conscious about the status of your art career? If so, you're not alone.
Prompted by a recent discussion on the VVrkshop Instagram, Paddy speaks with Catherine Haggarty, Founder of The Canopy Program, co-founder of NYC Crit Club, and an artist and Macon Reed, artist, and Netvvrk member about the day job stigma for artists.
We dive into subjects like:
How class and privilege support the expectation that artists work full-time in the studio, starting in art school
How acknowledging that you didn't come from privilege, can feel like you're breaking an unspoken set of rules.
The importance of defining success for yourself rather than letting an industry set those terms for you.
Plus, Catherine coins the term "Art Math" for us and breaks down her formulas.
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